Want to learn more about the talented creators at the show? Click below for details.
These talented folks were at the November show.
A big thanks to Dan Voils of DBN Photography for the excellent photos of the event. On Facebook too!Special thanks to these local Podcasters and Youtubers who supported the panels for the show.Jen Edds
Jen Edds is the host of The Brassy Broadcast, a podcast where successful dames from across the music industry dish about the business of music. Jen started The Brassy Broadcast to shift the spotlight from the artist to shine it on women doing exceptional work behind the scenes in the music industry. Jen believes that the human voice is one of the most powerful assets in our businesses, yet still one of the most undervalued. Through her company, 317 Sound Design, she lives her mission to help more coaches, speakers, authors, and business owners create deeper and more personal connections with their audiences by sharing their voices. Ryan Rhoten Ryan Rhoten is a personal branding coach who teaches career-minded professionals how to leverage their personal brand and online reputation to become a recognized leader in their niche. He is also the host of the BRAND New You Show podcast. Each week through a series of solo shows and interviews with career coaches, recruiters and social media experts, Ryan seeks to arm today’s job seeker with the latest tools, tips and tactics required to raise your online visibility and impact your career. Gil T. Wilson Gil T. Wilson is a 6 year Navy Veteran who has worked in Radio Broadcasting industry for over 25 years. On the side he is an avid blogger and podcaster, where he loves to share his views on all things nerdy. On top of this he has been one of the organizers for an ongoing NerdCon, a mini comics and gaming convention in Robinson, Il. Rachel Frend Rachel discovered podcasts back in 2006 when planning a vacation to Walt Disney World. Then in 2014, she decided to throw her hat into the proverbial podcasting ring, and, along with 4 of her friends, launched The Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast. The Five(ish) Fangirls is a weekly podcast, that focuses on things geeky and nerdy, all from the female perspective. Topics include (but aren't limited to) Doctor Who, Disney, Marvel, Once Upon A Time, and The Librarians. All of their shenanigans and squee can be found at thefiveishfangirlspodcast.blogspot.com Jake H Broadcasting under the name Jakester on Youtube, Jake gives you his perspective of video games. Visit his channel and learn more about him by clicking HERE. Will Vantwoud William is the owner of Vantwoud Studios a freelance production studio, specializing in livestreaming and live production. His studio produces the YesterdayNightLive network. A group of content creators and artists, that provide quality,entertaining videos for all! Kate Chaplin Named a "Naptown Noteable Resident" by Intake Magazine, Chaplin is a filmmaker, author and podcaster. Her films include Leah Not Leia, Ingenue, Ezekiel's Landing and First They Came for...She is a multi-award winning filmmaker in Los Angeles as well as Indiana. Her books have gardened the Writer's Page to call her one of "the most talented writers today". In 2014 she began working as a Podcaster for the wildly successful show Kate's Take which now has over 10,000 listeners. |